lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016



El mal de su generación era la depresión. Todos vivían con demasiada prisa, corriendo de aquí para allá, queriendo ser libres y queriendo tenerlo todo. En su generación no era permitido mostrarse infeliz, pero se veía con sospecha al que no estaba insatisfecho, al que le bastaba con lo que tenía porque entonces era un mediocre que no aspiraba a más. Sentarse a tomar el fresco era una frase que ni se conocía, los días estaban llenos, repletos de cosas que todos tenían que hacer para publicarlo en las redes sociales.  En su generación se exigía la tolerancia hasta el grado de ser intolerante con quienes no lo eran. Viajar, tomar fotos, comer, festejar, estar acompañado aunque se estuviera solo, trabajar, hacer ejercicio, leer las noticias, mirarse bien, lo más que se pudiera debía caber en un solo día.

El día que Leonor se quedó dormida pensaron varios a su alrededor con un dejo amargura en la sonrisa torcida, “¡infeliz! no resistió el paso, quiso hacer demasiado pero no era capaz, el ‘éxito’ no es para todos”. El doctor dijo que era agotamiento extremo, los otros levantaron los hombros, suspiraron y se volvieron a subir a la rueda de la fortuna de la vida.

Leonor abrió los ojos pero los rayitos de sol demasiado brillantes la confundieron, observó con los ojos aún adormilados colores e imágenes demasiado borrosas para reconocerlas, trató de alcanzar un vaso de agua que no estaba pero sus brazos encadenados por sondas se lo impidieron. Se mojó los
labios con la lengua, volvió a cerrar los ojos y creyó escuchar decir a los intrusos de su cuarto, “depresión por agotamiento ni más ni menos… pobrecilla”. Depresión, agotamiento, pobrecilla… ¡ja! Sonrió por dentro y se dijo a mi misma:

- si supieran que tan solo me decidí a cerrar los ojos porque no me daba la gana seguir la farsa de la vida, si supieran que lo de dormir fue una decisión que ya me venía pensando, si supieran que lo que yo quiero es dormir porque me gusta soñar.

Yesmith Sánchez

And a free translation into English, corrections welcome!


Her generation’s disease was depression. Everybody  lived their lives in much of a hurry, running from here to there, wanting to be free, wanting to have it all. In her generation it was not allowed to show yourself unhappy, but that one who was happy was seen in suspicion, for being content with what he had because it meant he was a mediocre who didn’t hope for a better life. To sit under a shade to take fresh air was something unknown, every day was full, oh! so full of things to do to later be published in one of the social networks. In her generation, tolerance was demanded to such degree, that people were intolerant to those who they believed were intolerant. To travel, to make photos, to celebrate, to be with somebody even if you were deeply alone, to work, to go to the gym, to read the news, to look good, everything had to fit in one single day.

The day when Leonor fell asleep, those around her thought with a bitter and crooked smile, “stupid! She couldn’t cope with the pace, she wanted to do a lot but she was not capable of, ‘success’ is not for everybody”. The doctor’s diagnosis was ‘exhaustion”, and when others heard it, they shrugged, sighed and went back and rode the wheel of fortune called life.

Leonor opened her eyes but the sunlight was too bright and it confused her, she observed with her still sleepy eyes colors and images that were too blurry to be recognized, she tried to reach an imaginary glass of water but her arms were in chains of tubes injecting her different stuff. She tried to wet her lips with her also dry tongue, she closed her eyes again and overheard some intruders in her room: “depression… due to exhaustion, nothing else… poor thing.” Depression, exhaustion, poor her… ha! She smiled inside and told to herself:

- If they only knew that I decided to close my eyes because I didn’t want to continue living the lie of
life, if they only knew that sleeping was a choice and that I have been thinking about it for long, if they only knew that all I want is to sleep because the one thing I enjoy is to dream.

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